We love people

Purpose + Plan = Bliss

Connectors know everybody and who everybody seems to know. Connectors work as headhunters, lobbyists, fundraisers, politicians, journalists, and public relations specialists, because they are the cornerstones to any flourishing network.

Many of your closest friends and contacts go to the same parties, generally do the same work, and exist in roughly the same world as you do. That’s why they seldom know information that you don’t already know. Connectors on the other hand, generally occupy a variety of different worlds than you do. They’re hanging out with different people, often in different worlds, with access to a whole inventory of knowledge and information unavailable to you and your close friends.

Connectors are the key to opening doors and making connections that reap dividends and are the foundation for a truly powerful network. For most of us, cultivating a lengthy list of mere acquaintances on top of the effort devoted to your circle of friends is just too draining. The thought of being obligated to another hundred or so people seems outlandishly taxing.

“Connectors in short, represent a source of social/networking power!”

Connectors maintain contact with thousands of people. The key, however, is not only that we know thousands of people but that we know thousands of people in many different worlds, and we know them well enough to give them a call. Utilizing our unique skills and connections you are only two degrees away from the thousands of different people we know.

Connectors can be found in every imaginable profession, but I’m going to focus on seven professions where they most commonly congregate. 

Each of these kinds of connectors provides me with a link to an entire world of people, ideas, and information that, in a very significant way, has made my own life a little more fun, helped my career along, or made the businesses I worked for more successful.

It is like a private club that can introduce you to a roster of clients, professional matchmakers and candidates. We offer a network of contacts and can provide you with help on your next project. We are passionate people whose goal is to get involved behind an issue, project , passion or person. We network to help and connect with a lot of people who are helpful to know, including those who are powerful and successful and open the door to a whole new world of contacts and opportunities.

We all know “one if by land, two if by sea”, what is less known is that Revere’s networking savvy is what allowed him to be the one entrusted with illuminating the church steeple. Historians say Revere was blessed with an “uncanny genius for being at the centre of events.” In one word: Connect. In four better words: Connect with the connectors.

What we do

Our mission is to cut out any barriers and connect talent directly to companies  as the resources they need to develop and grow. I do this by connecting people together to ensure maximum mutual value by being able to authentically speak to the needs of all sides.

Discovery Stage

Recruitment Phase

Client Assessment Phase

Client Evaluation Phase

Negotiation Phase

Conclusion Phase


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